We want … to start the conversation with this current generation of military officers. The half-life of a military officer’s career is pretty short
The U.S. military and the militaries of many of its partner nations regard themselves as professional organizations and comrades in the profession of arms. The military is heralded as a profession composed of professionals who enact a unique domain of expert knowledge. But the meaning of this changes over time through the evolution of civil-military relations, global security, and new or emerging threats. The Army underwent a period of reflection at the turn of the century based on its Cold War experiences and renewed its commitment to professionalism. Is the time nigh for another such period? This and other questions are discussed between Ty Mayfield of Strategy Bridge and WAR ROOM’s Podcast Editor Jacqueline E. Whitt.
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Ty Mayfield is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force and a founding member and Editor of Strategy Bridge. Jacqueline E. Whitt is the WAR ROOM Podcast Editor. The views expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Army War College, U.S. Army, or Department of Defense.
Photo: The 8th Theater Sustainment Command welcomed a new command sergeant major during a change of responsibility ceremony Sept. 10, 2018 at Hamilton Field on Schofield Barracks.
Photo Credit: U.S. Army Photo.