In this War Room podcast, “Time as a Dimension of Strategy,” Joe Brooks and Doug Douds take a critical look at concepts that may too often be taken for granted in strategy – time and space. Drawing from philosophy, political science, and culture, the podcasters discuss a range of perspective on how time and space have defined and measured throughout history. How do our understandings of time shape our strategy? And how do we develop strategies that shape an environment occupied by those whose perspectives on time differ?
America has been very good at accelerating conflict. We have the technology, we have the means, and we have the strategy … but a lot of times, you may look at it and wonder if our opponents are playing a longer game.
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Joe Brooks is a civilian employee of the Department of Defense, and a graduate of the U.S. Army War College class of 2017. Doug Douds is a colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps and a faculty member of the U.S. Army War College. The views in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Army or U.S. Government.
Photo credit: Detail of portable horizontal nocturnal sundial and altitude sundial, Gift of Mrs. Stephen D. Tucker, 1903 / Metropolitan Museum of Art.
I am trying to reach Doug Douds. I am watching the Lincoln Series on the History channel and I am so bothered by the fact that Mr. Douds, supposedly an educated fellow, continues to use calvary, the hill where Christ died, when speaking of the cavalry, a military term. What does it take? Even closed caption uses the wrong terminology. Shame on all of you.
I am trying to reach Doug Douds. I am watching the Lincoln Series on the History channel and I am so bothered by the fact that Mr. Douds, supposedly an educated fellow, continues to use calvary, the hill where Christ died, when speaking of the cavalry, a military term. What does it take? Even closed caption uses the wrong terminology. Shame on all of you.